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Sundance single review - Scruffy Bear

Rating: 9/10

It has been a while since I have written about Scruffy Bear, the Psychedelic Rock band that has taken Manchester by storm. Since their successful release of their last single ‘Water’, the band have continued to gig around Manchester; recently supporting the blues legend, Victor Bronx. On the 23rd of November, they dropped their brand new single ‘Sundance’. They promoted and celebrated the release by organising a headline gig at Jimmy’s NQ, with support from DENSE and Solis.

If you asked me to describe ‘Sundance’ in one word; I don’t think I could. The way people should (and most definitely) will feel towards this single, is what everyone felt like when they first heard psychedelic rock legends; Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin and Jefferson Airplane. It’s a song that you want to listen to on repeat on your vinyl player, imagining you are right back in the 70’s. (YES, that is a hint to put it on vinyl by the way!)

Earlier this year, their trusty guitarist John Roach left the band. Some may have worried that this would cause the band to lose their momentum. However, Scruffy Bear have managed to subvert any concerns. They have bounced back with full force and delved into the unknown. They have taken on a new guitarist, Ryan Robb and a fresh writing style. Pulling themselves out of their comfort zone, and experimenting with new layers of psych-rock; the band have created an extraordinary piece.

Deep in the space of classic rock, the band add vintage undertones which take you right back to their roots. The stripped back, softer sections show a rare side to the band, especially their vocalist Georgina. She holds a presence like no other; with soul filled vocals and spine tingling harmonies; she moves you with her words. The dynamic construction keeps you guessing. The sound gradually unfolds. You can imagine hearing it live at Duna Jams or Desertfest.

The music keeps under control right till the very end. Their remarkable erraticity that everyone knows and loves, comes out from it’s hiding. It is not a subtle transition at all; the band break out into a hazy, fuzz-fueled intensity that makes the hairs on your arms stand up. The full throttle, defiant rhythms and unconstrained vocals emanate through the speakers. They have immersed you into their exciting artistic visionary and you never want to leave.

Scruffy Bear have managed to create an impactful single that will forever make you in awe of their musical expression. ‘Sundance’ makes you feel free and liberated; which is all you ever really want from a song, isn’t it?

Listen to the single below and make sure to download it on all platforms.

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